Dansk Ballonunion har dags dato modtaget brev (hele brevet kan læses her) fra Trafik-, Bygge- og Boligstyrelsen (TBST), hvori TBST meddeler dispensation for krav om nylig erfaring efter Part BFCL:
For the application of the following recency requirements of Part-BFCL to Regulation (EU) No 2018/395
Until 31 July 2021 the time period is extended as follows:
(1) to the last 30 months, in the case of all of the following:
- points (a)(1)(i), (a)(2) and (f)(1) of point BFCL.160 (balloon pilot recency);
- point BFCL.215(d)(2) (commercial operation rating recency);
(2) to the last 32 months, in the case of all of the following:
- (i) point BFCL.160(b)
(3) to the last 56 months, in the case of all of the following:
- point BFCL.160(a)(1)(ii) (balloon pilot recency);
- point BFCL.200(d) (recency for tethered balloon flight);
(4) to the last 300 days, in the case of point BFCL.215(d)(1) (commercial operation rating recency);
(5) to the last 3 years and 8 months, in the case of point BFCL.360(a)(1) (balloon instructor recency).